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Visualising the results

After running calkulate() (or calibrate() and solve()) on your data, Calkulate contains some plotting functions to help visualise the results. More will be added in time, and contributions are welcome!

Dataset plots

Calibrated titrant_molinity

fig, ax = calk.plot.titrant_molinity(
    ds, xvar=None, show_bad=True, show_batches=True, figure_fname=None,

The required argument ds is the metadata table as a pandas DataFrame or Calkulate Dataset.

Optional inputs:

  • xvar: name of column to use as the x-axis variable.
  • show_bad: whether or not to show values where ds.reference_good == False.
  • show_batches: whether or not to show batch-averaged titrant_molinity values.
  • figure_fname: if provided, save figure to this filename.

Measured − certified alkalinity_offset

fig, ax = calk.plot.alkalinity_offset(
    ds, xvar=None, show_bad=True, show_batches=True, figure_fname=None,

The required argument ds is the metadata table as a pandas DataFrame or Calkulate Dataset.

Optional inputs:

  • xvar: name of column to use as the x-axis variable.
  • show_bad: whether or not to show values where ds.reference_good == False.
  • show_batches: whether or not to show batch-averaged titrant_molinity values.
  • figure_fname: if provided, save figure to this filename.

Titration plots

To investigate an individual titration in more detail, first generate a Titration from the relevant row of your Dataset:

tt = ds.to_Titration(index)

where index is the index value for the row you are interested in.

A series of figures can then be plotted for the titration in question:

  • tt.plot_emf(): how EMF changes through the titration.
  • tt.plot_pH(): how pH changes through the titration.
  • tt.plot_gran_alkalinity(): the Gran-plot initial alkalinity estimate.
  • tt.plot_gran_emf0(): the Gran-plot initial EMF0 estimate.
  • tt.plot_alkalinity(): the total alkalinity calculated from each titration data point.
  • tt.plot_components(): how every equilibrating component of the solution changes throughout the titration.