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Individual titrations

To import a single titration dataset into Calkulate, just import or convert your titration table to a pandas DataFrame and provide the row for the titration you want to work with (or the whole table if it only contains one row):

import calkulate as calk
titration = calk.Titration(titration_table.loc[row_index])

where row_index is the DataFrame's index for the row you want (usually just an integer running from 0 to the height of the table).

This imports the data from the titration data file and stores it in a Titration object along with the relevant information from the titration table.

Structure of a Titration

Top-level properties

Some properties are top-level attributes of the Titration.

Top-level titration properties

Some of these come directly from the titration table columns of the same name:

titration.file_name, titration.file_path

The remaining data are separated into several categories:

  • titration.analyte for properties of the analyte.
  • titration.titrant for properties of the titrant.
  • titration.mixture for properties of the titrant-analyte mixture.
  • titration.settings for... settings.

The analyte

The attributes of titration.analyte are all single scalar values. At first, these include:

The titrant

Some attributes of titration.titrant are single scalar values (e.g. its molinity), while others are arrays (e.g. the amount of it added to the analyte).

The mixture

The attributes of titration.mixture are all arrays.

The settings

Titration methods